
How can I explain the importance of data managemen to people far from technology but doing great charity work?

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How can I explain the importance of data managemen to people far from technology but doing great charity work?




  1. The challenge is two fold, first you need to show the value of data management to the organisation, then you need a buy in for the ongoing use and investment of it. Even today, there is some resistance and lack of understanding about managing data electronically. The benefits are not understood before they are in fact tangible. The best chance of getting some momentum would be to present a prototype of what you envisage, with emphasis on what it will do for these people. From there I would be pushing for the set up of an advisory group or steering committee to progress the development and implementation. While this approach can be cumbersome, it tends to have people adopt change that they may be initially resistant to more readily, they feel that they are part of the driving force of the change.....

  2. What a great question! You've already gotten two sets of great answers. My only suggestion to add is to go to TechSoup,, which is an online effort by CompuMentor, a nonprofit organization, to support nonprofits in their use of computer and networking technology. You will find a lot of great resources there to help you in explaining the importance of data management to charities, as well as some great free resources to support their use of such.

  3. Probably the easiest way is to ask how they are funded. If they go for grant funding at all gently remind them that the best way to get more money is to show in numbers what was done with the last money they got and the degree and kind of need they are serving.   That and making data management simple to do.    Most front line nonprofits have overworked staffs (paid or volunteer) who are snowed under trying to get needs met and frankly paperwork tends to get lost in the crunch of emergencies plus daily routines. I am exec director of a small nonprofit and I actually like some paperwork aspects and getting stuff in order but there is never time to do it. If you could combine showing how data management can help funding with very simple forms that a volunteer could fill out and a HS or college student volunteer to actually get the data into a computer - and a system to protect data and comply with the federal regs - you would have more than a fighting chance.   Most of us will listen to anything that helps funding and makes daily work life easier not more complicated.

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