
How can I extend my gift of Precognition to a higher level?

by  |  earlier

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Btw...If your going to say something stupid don't answer because I will report you...Sorry, for the threat...I need some serious answers from someone who knows what they're talking about.




  1. I have included a link for you below to the Parapsychological Association which is the professional organization for the scientific study of parapsychology. You can search for articles on ESP (and Precognition) and read up on the actual scientific research literature.

    They also have links to other sites (click on the online tab) that have a variety of online games/tests for different abilities including Precognition.

    I have also included 2 links below where you can register any precognitive dreams so you will have evidence that you dreamed/predicted an event before it happened.

  2. Meditation, meditation and more meditation.  It's a lot of work, but so very worth it.

  3. For starters, I encourage you to extend your gift of precognition into the realm of existence.

    I also encourage you to treat anyone who claims to be an expert in something which is intangible, immeasurable and unsubstantiated with a degree of suspicion.  At least get them to demonstrate something for you before you take their word that they're legitimate.

  4. Probably the first step is to actually confirm that you have this gift. Keep a pad of paper on you at all times and jot down every premonition you have. Discard the vague ones since they are not good tests of actual ability. Once you have 10 or 20 specific premonitions written down, see how many of them have come true. If more than half, you might have psychic ability. If only 2 or 3, it's just the expected level of coincidence.

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