
How can I extract pure nicotine from tobacco effectively from home ?

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How can I extract pure nicotine from tobacco effectively from home ?




  1. The best way is just to smoke it, if you must.

    If you just want nicotine, get some patches or lozenges.

  2. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nasty lol smoker

  3. mex99   do you take the tobacco out and boil just the liquid left or do you leave the leaves in the entire time and that makes the paste

  4. boiling the tobacco down then wringing it out and continue boiling till the remains become a paste...IE nicotine extract.  handle with gloves as one drop can give you nicotine overdose which can be fatal.

  5. Decoction

  6. why would u wanna do that...there is enough nicotine in 1 ciggy to kill a man if adminstered correctly......are u planning a murder cos we dont wanna be accesories

  7. by not doing it at all idiot. you're F****** ruining ur life

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