
How can I face my fears for roller coasters??

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I want to go cuz they look like so much fun!! But i KEEP HOLDING BACK AND I REALLY WANT TO GO. Tower of terror wasnt scary for me and tht only had drop I guess Im afraid of the speed??




  1. going with somebody really helps, be self confident . i always say "i can do this!!" tehn u mite be scared like crazy but at the end its soo much fun

  2. When i was younger i was afraid to ride The Hulk and Dueling Dragons(at Islands of Adventure), i thought they would be really scary, but when i rode them, it was awesome!!! It was way more fun than scary. Just give it a try, and if ur that scared just close ur eyes. Hope i helped =D

  3. just do it go on  David and Goliath at six flags California and your fear will be gone.

  4. You just have to face it, it's not too bad once you do it.  Force yourself.  It's harder to back down if you're with a bunch of friends, or someone you want to impress.

  5. dont worry i was afraid of roller coasters too until march. well i went to Disneyland with my best friend and she LOVES roller coasters and she has never been to Disneyland so she wanted to go on Matterhorn Bobsleds a roller coaster but wouldn't go if i didn't go so i went and i had a blast and Splash mountain  has a 50ft drop and i went on it to but i didnt want to LOL! but i did and now those 2 things are my 2 favorite rides at Disneyland, in Californiia!!!!!!

  6. Just do it! If you don't think they're safe, consider this... Roller coasters are one of the safest forms of recreation available today. You're MUCH more likely to be injured or killed on the trip TO the theme park than while at it, so once you're there realize you've made it through the "hard" part! In fact, more people are injured yearly from folding lawn chairs and billiards (pool) than from roller coasters.

    Once you know they're that safe, you really don't have anything to lose (except maybe your lunch, which is why you probably shouldn't eat beforehand if you think you may get queasy).

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