
How can I fall asleep quickly?

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I'm going to London tomorrow for the first time with my friend, and I have to get up at seven in the morning so I can catch the train there. Thing is, I have trouble sleeping recently, and I rarely fall asleep before three in the morning. I need to find a way of falling asleep so I can get at least six hours of sleep! Baths never work for me, they just make me feel dizzy. Does anyone have any tips and tricks that help them fall asleep? If so, please share them with me :)




  1. Lay down in your bed and count to 100 really slowly. You will fall asleep way before you get to 100.

  2. before going to bed , do one hour  exercise, and take hot bath you will get immediate sleep, the room should be  silience,without tv on

  3. A hot pack works for me.  Put it where you feel stressed. Have a nice meal, go for a brisk, long walk, a hot bath and bed.  Otherwise ride it and you will sleep when you touch down eventually.  Eat healthy and drink plenty of water in the meantime and beyond.  No wonder you're exited, I probley couldn't sleep either!  Make the most of it!

  4. try reading a book.  that makes most people sleepy and if that doesn't work, take a benedryl.  it won't hurt you.  

  5. do exercise before you go tho bed , drink some milk, take it easy to sleep ,feel relaxing

  6. a thing i try it may sound silly lol, but i lay flat on my back, and tence every muscle in my body, and slowly relax my body from my toes up to my head, it does soun silly typing it lol, but for some reason it helps me. :)  have a safe trip


    ZZZzzzZZzzzzZZZ ! ! ! !  

  8. Here are some things that have worked for me over the years (speaking as a former insomniac):

    I always exercise for an hour or so early in the evening if I know I have to sleep well. Do some yoga, stretching exercises, and take a walk--nothing too strenuous. Take a very short, lukewarm shower after; eat a hot but light dinner; and make the room as dark as possible. It's about your preferences, though. If you need noise, use a fan. If you don't like it too dark, use a nightlight. If you're too worried or hyped up to sleep, write down all your worries in a notebook in list form.

  9. What do u usually do till u feel tired? Work? Or eat too much? For me, i suggest don't keep drink coffee and don't eat too many sweet and fat stuff. Do u play games or read? U might feel tired u keep playing games or read.

  10. be veryb active today. bikeride, run, swim as much as youj can. before you go to sleep, exersize.

  11. You need to exercise really hard. Go for a long walk with lots of uphill climbs.

  12. There are a couple tricks you can do when you want to "force" yourself into falling asleep quickly.

    First, have some warm milk and honey.  Put a cup of milk into the microwave for a bit until its warm to hot but not boiling or bubbling over.  Get a spoon, and pour able half a spoonful of honey into it and stir.

    Second, when you are settling down.  You want to concentrate on how your bed feels, especially how it feels against the spine.  Do that for a minute or so.

    Third, make your mind skip.  This is a little hard to explain but basically you think of just about anything and everything without concentrating on any one thing.

    It is more like mind flashes, kinda like you're flipping channels on the TV screen.  The instant you grasp hold of a subject, jump to another.  Just keep doing this and you will soon start to actually FEEL sleepy.

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