
How can I feel more confident with my body?

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okay, so im pretty comfortable with things that you can see. But theres a few things I'm not comfortable with. I'm not comfortable with my b***s. I only let my boyfriend see them when my nipples are hard because my nipples are pointy. And i don't like it when my boyfriend touches my v****a or I don't want him to see it either because I have BIG lips! He asked me if he can eat me out and I want him to I just don't want him to notice which would be kinda hard because they are like so obvious! I mean they stick out. Is this normal? Would he like this? How do I become more confident??

p.s. without surgery!

i want some guys opinions too!




  1. Some lips stick out, some don't. All humans differ in their appearance. If every freaking snowflake is different( a much simpler entity) why should all labia look the same? Men (being one of them btw) spend so much time figuring out how to get vag, that they're really not to concerned about the minor details, especially if it's their freaking girlfriend. This guy is all ready your boyfriend and he wants to eat you out! Stop looking at what is chic in contemporary p**n(always transient for such a subversive art form) and jam out with your clam out! Super secret note: We only really want to go down on those that are above all the rest. The truth ad I see it.

  2. I want you to do something for me.  Take a piece of butcher paper and attach a long sheet to the wall.  Draw what you perceive of your body.  Next, have a friend (someone that you trust and can support you in your acceptance) trace you up against the butcher paper.  You'll quickly realize that your perception of your body, what you see it as, is not what it actually is.  Most women are quite surprised by this.  What we tend to see ourselves as is not what we actually are.  

    Self acceptance is not an easy task.  I'm sure you may hate your body, but keep in mind that your boyfriend loves the way your body is- curves and all.  Guys find a woman's (note, a woman's body; a woman's body has womanly body parts) to be a work of art.  During the Roman times, painters marveled at a woman's bodies?  Do you know "The Birth of Venus" painting by Boticelli?  It's a painting of a half naked woman, with b*****s and curves, standing at a sea shell.  This is a woman's body on display, and everyone is admiring her because of her beauty.

    It's hard, but try and every day to say out loud to yourself in a mirror three things that you like about yourself.  It could be anything from "I like my hair color" to "I like my laugh".  By learning to find things that you like about yourself, you'll less likely to focus on the negative.  

  3. Girl just let all that nonsense go out the window and know that your looks do not make you s**y, your attitude and personality do.  I am a big girl and I am not satisfied with my body but I don't care when I am with my man because he obviously likes it or he wouldn't be with me anymore, he would be looking for someone else.  So just own your confidence even if you feel a little shy, guys like confidence.  I was with a guy that used me for s*x and then told me that I was too fat for him, well that was very mean and I told myself well I don't give a f*** what he says because I wouldn't want to be with someone like that anyway.  I was lucky enough to find my husband who worships me the way I am and your boyfriend should feel the same about you or kick him to the curb, there are so many guys out there that like a s**y woman, with huge v****a lips and pointy nipples!  Every body is different, literally.  So your bf might really like what you are trying to hide from him.

  4. There are all types of guys out there that like all kinds of things. Some guys like skinny girls, some guys like round girls. Some guys like small b***s and some guys like big b***s. And so on and so on. For every different looking kind of person out there, there are the people who find them attractive. But that's just one of the problems here. You need to take that information and realize that you have nothing to worry about and like YOURSELF. I'm a short guy who's also really skinny and thats a curse for guys - everyone always being bigger than you. But I walk around all day like I'm the awesome. That's the trick. And yes, a lot of girls have larger lips. I've dated them. Relax, tiger.

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