
How can I feel more high from Marijuana?

by Guest62446  |  earlier

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I have been smoking weed for about 4 months, and I have been a stoner (blazing at least 1-3 times a day everyday) for about 2 months. Sadly, weed just isn't doing it for me anymore.

I still feel mentally high, but in no way do I feel phsyically high and the effects dont last nearly as long as they used to, nor as strong. I can only assume that this is due to THC build up in my system, raising my tolerance. So, I think that if I stop smoking weed cold turkey for about a month or so, and get the THC out of my system, I will feel the effects much more. But I just don't want to quit for a month and have nothing changed, so any suggestions on what I should do?

I am 15 years old.




  1. As far as I can tell there isn't much reason for someone your age to be smoking that much. I am very pro-marijuana but think that no one under 18 should smoke marijuana.

    But, since you will do as you please I'll answer your question.

    A person can build up a tolerance to marijuana. Take a "tolerance break" sometimes two weeks is enough, other times waiting a month will do it. After that your tolerance should be back to normal levels.

    Also smoking better weed is the key, it's easy to build a tolerance to a weak strain of weed with a low percentage of THC.

    Another key is keeping your tolerance as low as possible so you don't have to worry about taking a tolerance break. For instance, if you are smoking and you feel a buzz coming on, stop smoking and let the high come into full effect. Often times people smoke more than they will need to to get high. This doesn't really make you much higher than you would have been had you stopped earlier, but it does build up your tolerance faster.

  2. you do get "immune" to it

    get some hydro...more money but much better high

    or stop for a week and when you take your first toke you will see the difference

    your very young and you feel this way

    dont move on to "real" drugs please

  3. You  must  be  mad ,  smoking  that  stuff  on  a  regular  basis  will  cause  you  permanent  brain  damage , quite  apart  from  being  as , or  more  carcinogenic  than  tobacco .

    Do  you  want  to  ruin  your  life  before  it  has  really  begun .

    You're  an  Idiot !!!   Get  right  off  it  and  find  something  better  to  do , start  living .

  4. try cooking you marijuana with milk and dairy products. heating the weed will activates the hallucinogenic substance and it works better with dairy fat. it is unlike alcohol that will get neutralize by milk.

    i put marijuana on my omelettes and garlic breads, you'll get more high and relatively healthier because it saves you from dangerous carsinogenic effect from the smoke

  5. MOAI inhibitors. However eating aged foods on this (cheese and beer for example) can kill you, along with allot of food additives and a whole list of other things.

  6. not that im encouraging you to smoke more weed or do any other drugs but a cigarette right after your joint will make you high out of your mind.

    but really, stay out of that stuff if you can cause you cant  see your future through all the smoke eh?

  7. I started smoking at 18 and have never put it down. I smoke almost everyday and maybe a few times a day. A word of advise, and don't take this lightly:  STOP for now.

    Let your brain develop and if you wanna smoke then do it after you're done school. Trust me on this one. Pot will eventually make you lazy and lose your ambition.

    That said, the answer to your question is to use a water bong. It's amazing. BUT STOP USING AT 15. You are too young to do it everyday.

  8. You need to get help. Getting addicted to any drug will no take you anywhere. In the long run you will not function like a normal human been. You are already having problems.

    Well! that is you decision. I recommend you very strongly to seek help. unsted of asking people how to get more high with weed, You should be asking how to quit weed ; and do not belive that you willl never ger addicted becaouse you alredy are.

  9. You need to take a break from it in order to feel the full affects of it. Or you can look for stronger weed.

  10. well in my opinion i think u should quit in general like everything soon marijuana will lead you too other stronger brugs and you dont want that to happen to you. besides you know that marijuana kills your brain cells and it makes your brain slower. so i think you should try to to quit now before u get hooked on other drugs

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