
How can I fight/abolish a local city ordinance?

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I'm a resident of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and recently law enforcement has been enforcing the city ordinance of having "exotic" animals as pets....and the "exotic" pets were snakes. I am a currnt owner of reptiles ( lizards and snakes) and am a resident of the city of Kalamazoo, but after discovering this rediculous law/ ordinance, I am interested in protesting it, or somehow abolishing it! I think it's wrong to discriminate and punish someone for owning a boa constrictor, but letting the person that owns a macow, or ferret, or even a hamster slide! I'm actually offended and inferiorated w/ such prejudice! I feel that if the ordinace is to prohibit "Exotic" pets....then it means ALL EXOTIC pets.... no exceptions! ne way i wanna protest this city ordinance and hopefully do away w/ it for good, i just dont know how. thanks




  1. Contact your city council members.  Ask them to review the city ordinance.  

    Organize an interest group to lobby the city council, if necessary.

    Ask your lawyer if the police are interpreting the current ordinance correctly, or if you should take this to court for a determination.

  2. Um it's no prejudice, a Boa can cause harm to the general public if it gets out.  I'm not sure when the last time a farret had the capability of killing a child. Macaws generally can't get out cos their wings are clipped and a hamster is far from an exotic pet. Sorry but I agree with the enforcement of large snakes.  

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