
How can I figure out how many weeks I am?

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I got my last period at the end of june. I dont know the exact day but i would guess around the 20th. I took a hpt on July 24 and it came back positive. On aug. 11 I had my first doc visit but she said it was too soon to see anything on the ultrasound. I don't go back to the doctor until Sept. 9. Does anyone know how to figure out how many weeks along i am?




  1. You count the weeks from the first day of your last period.

    I'd say you're about 5 weeks based on the info you gave me!

    Good Luck!!!

  2. i would say based on your june 20th .. you areabout 9 weeks and 2 days .. butwith the us/ you will no more exactly..

    your due around march 27


  3. 9.2 weeks pregnant...

    based on a last menstrual of June 20th.

    Conception Occured:Friday, July 4, 2008

    First Trimester Ends:Friday, September 12, 2008

    Second Trimester Ends:Friday, December 26, 2008

    Estimated Due Date: Friday,March 27, 2009

    try this

  4. If you are not sure when it started just go with the 20th until you can do a dating scan.

  5. If you can wait patiently, then your doctor can tell you when they do the ultrasound which is the most accurate way to tell how far along are you.

    The reason is because through medicine and science we have been able to see a pattern in fetus growth where certain development will take place in an orderly manner, so based off your baby's size and if it's developed it's heart, feet, etc your doctor will give you a fairly accurate estimate.  

  6. Well, when you know the date that you got your last period they actually count from there (even though you dont actually get pregnant until about 2 weeks after your last period because that is when you ovulate)

    So If you got your last period on June 20th then that would make you just over 9 weeks pregnant.  So my guess is that if you got your last period around the 20th then you are around 9 weeks along.  They will end up doing an ultrasound to check how big the baby is, and then they will tell you what your due date is, but i dont think they do that until atleast 10 weeks because by then they can see the baby's heartbeat on the ultrasound too.

    Good Luck!

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