I believe that my grandson has ADHD at the least. He is three and not toilet trained, will walk around his home pulling a soiled diaper behind him to let his mom know he's done it. My daughter claims to have tried to teach him, but a friend of hers stated that she remarked it 'takes too much time, diapers are just faster'. The boy is very hyper, and you cannot understand him - he only makes noise, with few words in his vocabulary. He never speaks, only screams, and throws things at the least provocation.
If he were nearby I'd take him for testing but he's two states away. I'd appreciate any suggestions - right now I'm tempted to call their DHS, and he's my own grandson! His parents don't use drugs, but they are both not good parents, either. I'm a social worker, and I know I need to contact someone, but at this stage I feel darned either way I go.