I'm a person that is really into art.
My mom's all getting up and looking up colleges for Graphics/Logo Design for me (since I spend a lot of time on the computer). but my problem is It's not something I'm all to interested in.
I was thinking of something along the lines of animating, but I don't know how much patience I'd have for extended animating projects, or how much money that would really actually make. And I wouldn't know how to go about finding jobs either.
Anouther thing that gets me is although I'm better at drawing then the average person I'm still not that great at it.
Something I'd really love to get into is voice acting because its fun to do, but again I'd have no clue how to go about finding jobs, and I'm very timid around others (Which I really want to get over, but I don't know how)
So I just pretty much have no clue what I want to do for the rest of my life, and I just need ideas on how to get started on knowing.
When you go into a college do you like have to know for sure what you want to do or your doomed?
What if you start out with one major, but then you decide you weren't interested in it, would changing it cost you more money?
What are minors good for?
How do you search for a college?
I'd actually want to go to an actual college because I don't want to be stuck at home all day long, but my mom is like "find an online college" and she like freaks at $10,000 and it seems the colleges I know about are like $20,000
Things I know for sure that I don't want to be are like a docter, dentist, vet, lawyer, fire fighter, police, interior designer, exterior designer, landscaper, teacher, writer, I know there's more but those are off the top of my head.