
How can I finally domesticate and bring my conscience under control?

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How can I finally domesticate and bring my conscience under control?




  1. Don't. If you bring it under control it ceases to have any point. I learned a long time ago to switch mine off and it got me in no end of trouble. These days I have to pretend I care to get anywhere.

    People don't like anyone who isn't bound by some sort of moral code, it makes them uneasy. Long term they will shun you and ultimately victimise you.

    Let your conscience do as it pleases. If it makes you feel bad, ask why.

  2. I have no Idea what you mean, but you might wanna  ask Jimmy Cricket.

  3. HUH? If you domesticate would that make your conscience better for you or something? I say be who you are and have fun. And I do think you should care about having a good conscience but your heart knows what's right .Inside we all know what's right are parents raised us to know it  and some stuff they didn't even have to tell us we already knew. So do what you know is right not what we tell you. Because we are still  trying to figure out life and if we living right. Do what you want not what others want for you be happy and I know it may not be easy to give up whatever it is that's bothering your conscience but if you feel you have to then that is what you have to do.Hope I helped.

  4. Your question is untoo unclear to provide you with a detailed answer.

    Send your superego to the gym and your id to the dog house.

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