
How can I find a Home school group in the area?

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How can I find a Home school group in the area?




  1. You can check the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) website for home school support groups in your area.  Once you locate the state homeschool organization, they can usually direct you to group leaders, give you phone numbers, etc.  HSLDA has a listing of national and state organizations on their site; the link is below:

    I hope this information is helpful.

  2. Call your local Library. They normally hold meetings there.

  3. Try it's where I found mine.

  4. Try looking on YAhoo or  Ask at the local library and your school system.

  5. check out they have listings by state as to what groups are active.

  6. A few suggestions:

    l.  If you have an umbrella school or something similar, check with them for a listing of groups in each area they service.  

    2.  Check the newspaper listings for meetings in the area.  In our paper, it is in the Sunday paper.

    3.  Check with your state homeschooling group.  They usually have listings by geographical area.  

    4.  Run a search for curriculum fairs in your area, then look at who is in charge of them.  There is generally contact information on the websites relating to the fair.  If anyone knows about homeschool groups....chances are that they will.

    5.  Type in your city , homeschooling into the Yahoo groups search bar and see what pops up.  If you are in a small city, try the county or a larger nearby metropolitan area for the search.

    Good luck!

  7. If there is not a general group in your city there might be some contacts through your church community.

  8. well check yahoo groups for them....also there is a thing called classical conversations which is great for is currently what my family is doing and something my mom is higher up on!

    i'll give you the link!

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