
How can I find a doctor who specializes in Gallbladder and Sphincter of Oddi disfunction in California?

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I know I have a problem with either my gallbladder of sphincter of oddi but all basic test have turned out normal so now I need to see a specialist. How can I find a good doctor who will be able to help me?




  1. hi, i had a lot of problems after gallbladder surgery:my family Dr sent me to a gastroenterologist(im in Canada)

    You can have a procedure done called ERCP.Not all Drs do this medical procedure:do a search, checking what medical facility does the highest "number" of ERCP.Its as simple as this:practice makes perfect.The more ERCP a Dr does, the better he gets.

    If the sphincter is really bothering you,(i think thats happening to me)

    the Dr can simply cut it!

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