
How can I find a good looking girl at college to let me give her a pedicure?

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I love female feet and going to class every day I see about 1000 perfectly pedicured feet. Very frustrating. How can I find a hot college coed to let me paint her toes?




  1. Fetish.....?

  2. You need help mate.

  3. You have to adopt a g*y persona, pick up a really nice pedicure kit with every color, and practice painting really awesome patterns on small spaces with it.

    Then say to a girl, in the gayest-sounding voice you can do, "Oh, hey, girlfriend, you got some awesome peds, there, can I try out a new thing I'm working on? I will TOTALLY take it off if you don't love it."

    Can't guarantee this'll work, since I have no interest in feet and only ever do pedicures under the duress of begging by a woman (usually the girlfriend).

  4. Did a whole paper in class on Partialisms which is what you call it when you have an attraction for a specific body part, unlike a fetish which is for an inanimate object, but I digress, what you can do maybe is put a sign up that you are giving free pedicures in exchange for toutoring or something similar. As long as you are not hurting anyone, do what makes you feel good, but feet? seriously

  5. Omg! You have foot fetish! Try posting and handing out flyers that you'll give free pedicures or something.

  6. wow loved old fat bald guy's answer

    go with that one or.. enroll in a beauty course and get the chance to practice pedicures, manicures, pubic waxing etc

    or just get a girlfriend and ask her :) it would be less weird then just plain out asking a girl 'can i groom your feet'

    is it a fetish or are you some kind of weird artist haha,

    Though i think it's cool ;)

  7. bet ur g*y 1000 feet out in the open every day..?

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