
How can I find a guy in Spain?? I know his name and location but hes not coming up on any internet search-HELP

by  |  earlier

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Basically I met a guy on holiday in Majorca about 6 years ago, he worked as a rep for the hotel in Alcudia. We swapped addresses and telephone numbers, and the last time we were in contact was about 2 years ago. He is originally from Belgium but he told me he'd moved on to Granada and had bought a restaurant there. The last I heard was that he was working there. Thing is, my phone broke and I've lost his number, I also cannot find his address anywhere. Does anyone have any ideas how I could find him?? I obviously have his full name and location but he doesn't appear to be in any web phone directories/facebook/myspace- anything! I've searched the internet but I can't track this guy down! I would be so grateful for suggestions as I am at a loss, other than to trawl Granada! Thank you




  1. Try this, I'm afraid that if this doesn't work there is nothing else you can do.

    fill his name (nombre) or last name (primer apellido) plus Granada both in provincia and localidad

    I'll be anxious to know if you could find him or not... LOL

    good luck

  2. a common thing spanish people have like facebook is this: - it's all in spanish though.

    Also, if he has your address and phone number, maybe you will have to wait for him to contact you.  You said your phone is broken, but I assume you will still have the same number with a new phone....

    EDIT:  I've lost my phone plenty of times and I was able to get my numbers back online my profile section of my provider.  no names, but all of the numbers dialled for the past couple of months.

  3. You answered your question; Pack your things up and trawl Granada.

    Or speak to a private detective.

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