
How can I find a home school group that we will fit in with?

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I am not trying to be rude at all but I would like to find a group more modern and hip:) I am a younger mom and into fashion and makeup.So far I have not met any other home school mothers who I fit in with.They all have like 10 kids wear no makeup and are not into any of the stuff as myself.Anyone know where to look?




  1. Are you meaning a group for you, or your kids?  Because for kids, I am homeschooled and I go to a very large co-op (around 200 kids from K - 12th) for homeschoolers with tons of variations.  There are a few families like you described, but most are quite a bit like you and  I.  But mind you, this co-op that I go to is more for the kids; not the moms.

  2. Like one other person who answered you, I feel maybe you should start your own group. There are bound to be other homeschool moms in your area who feel like you do. I was in a group that I didn't particularly connect with the other moms, I stayed in it for a while and did find a couple of ladies I did find interesting and fun. I stayed with the group because I liked their philosophies and my child had kids to play with so I figured I needed to be a bit more open minded where I was concerned.

    Good luck!

  3. I understand your question, but I have to say that for me, I look for a group that has like philosophies on homeschooling, kids that my girls can get along with, close to home and activities that work with what I am working on with my kids. Whether or not the other mom's are hip, young and wear makeup have nothing to do with my choices.

    One group I actually left because all the parents (ok, mom's) did was "hang out" and act like junior high kids.

    Try searching around you and visit several groups.

  4. The only thing that I can suggest is that you keep on looking.  Search out every homeschool group closest to you and attend one or two of their events to get a feel for what the people are like.  MOst groups will let you come to at least one event before joining to see if it is a good fit.  

    It is just trial and error.  Check the HSLDA website for local groups and do a Google search.  I have been a member of about 4 homeschooling groups and all of them had a mix of very conservative and some rather "hip" people.

    Good luck!

  5. If you cannot find one, you could start your own.  

    A couple of cities near us have about 1/2 a dozen all different flavors.  We tried out several before finding one that we really liked.

    Like many things, it is nice to have choices and the freedom to make those choices.

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