
How can I find a private citizen in Iraq? He has a US SSN and is a naturalized citizen. Help I'm very worried

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I've not heard from him in over a year- so I am very worried he has come into harm. He called me once, but the line broke up. He is from Najaf, Iraq. I have letters from his family, but it's all in Arabic. I have all his identifying information but I have no idea how to go about this. I appreciate any direction you can provide.




  1. You might want to start by getting the letters translated - they may provide the information you are looking for.  Also, the US Embassy Baghdad, American Citizen Service may be of some use if you can demonstrate an established family relationship.   Otherwise, there may very well be a valid reason that he has not contacted you, and please bear in mind that seemingly innocent inquiries in that part of the world can easily get someone hurt, or much worse ....

    See below:

  2. One of the functional divisions within an embassy is American Citizen Services. Their mission is to make sure US Citizens are OK. (They visit them in prison, help them return to the USA, etc.)

    Contact them and give them the info you have. It may be as simple as a phone call or it may require a physical visit to verify his welfare. Part of what you'll need to do is satisfy the consular officer that he exists and that he may be in some sort of peril.

    I'm not sure if a name and city is enough. The other suggestion about getting a translation is excellent!  You may be able to find out lots from that.

    One other factor that will help you is to provide the ACS with some sort of relationship between you and the guy in Najaf. Is he a relative, a neighbor, a business associate? That'll give ACS a reason to keep you satisfied.

    And that was an excellent observation about that part of the world. You may do this guy more harm than good if word gets around that the American Embassy is looking for him. So if it comes down to taking a chance with his welfare or your peace of mind, you might opt for his welfare. Just a thought.

    Have a great New Year's!

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