
How can I find an English speaking Adoption chat room please?

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I've tried 3 different adoption chat rooms on Yahoo, and all of them are in Arabic, where can I find the English adoption chat rooms. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You, Misty




  1. if you go to and then join the forums, they have excellent English adoption chats in several categories.  It's a great place to find people in all phases of adoption.  Adoptees searching, adoptees not searching, reunited adoptees, adoptive parents, hoping to adopt parents, birth parents, and any other possible variation!  enjoy!

  2. I suggets that before you go looking to talk to PAPs, that you talk to adoptees and other mothers who relinquished.

    You need to know what you are getting yourself and your child into.

    Go to the blogs on Alltop.

  3. Oh yes, it's 'highly intelligent' to look for potential parents for someone as precious as your baby on internet chat rooms [insert sarcasm]  rolls eyes

    I actually feel kinda sad for PAPs who are drawn into this kind of stuff through desperation and then act shocked when they get scammed {rolls eyes again}

    Please be careful

  4. Hi Misty!

    You missed the great Yahoo! adoption chat heyday by about two years. There used to be an amazing group of people who were in the daily, sadly that time has passed. I mourn the loss of the adoption rooms greatly ;o(

    If you are looking to chat about adoption on yahoo try the genealogy rooms, I know that some of the old adoption crew have migrated there. has a chat feature but I found it rather hostile when I tried chatting there. Guess it would depend on why you were wanting to talk about adoption, I am a reunited adoptee and a first mom, the room seemed to be mostly adoptive parents or those trying to adopt. It wasn't a safe place for me to talk about my adoption stories but maybe you would find it different. has a chat room and forum, the whole site is devoted to adoptees and it is a VERY safe place to be.

    Other than those I have no suggestions. I am interested to see what others suggest though since I would love to find a very active adoption chat as well.


    Yeah, can't help you there. I wouldn't suggest looking for parents for your child online. It isn't a safe way to find a family for a child. Please contact a reputable adoption agency near you. Predators and those unable to adopt (in other words those who can't pass a homestudy or can't qualify for other reasons) often try to get around it by searching out pregnant women online. How do I know? Someone tried to buy my youngest online when I was pregnant with her three years ago, I know for a fact that this woman had failed a homestudy miserably and had been trying to purchase a child online for a number of years.

    The internet is not a safe bet.

    ETA 2



    PRONUNCIATION:  r-lngkwsh

    TRANSITIVE VERB:Inflected forms: re·lin·quished, re·lin·quish·ing, re·lin·quish·es

    1. To retire from; give up or abandon. 2. To put aside or desist from (something practiced, professed, or intended). 3. To let go; surrender. 4. To cease holding physically; release: relinquish a grip.

    Sorry but relinquishing is exactly what first moms do when they sign over their rights to their child. Again, how would I know? I relinquished my son 10 years ago. Giving it a cutesy or less inflammatory name can't take away the fact that you are giving up and abandoning a child.

  5. Misty-

    Adoption chat rooms are few and far between these days.  You may find groups who utilize forum messages rather than chat rooms.  If you are interested in chatting with potential parents, the forums on are very busy.  You may also wish to visit (No, not a shameless advert.  We aren't listed) to scope out profiles submitted by potential parents.  

    I wish you the very best in the future.  Please utilize all resources available to you to make a healthy and educated decision.

  6. Hi Misty,

    As the adoptinve mom of 3 thanks for considering making an adoption plan.  I would recomend that you conact several adoption agencies in your area.

    The agencies can provide you with profiles of many famliies looking to adopt.  An agency will work with you to determine the typ of adoption that you feel comfortabel with open ( you and the couple meet and can exchange letters, pictures and even phomne calls), semi open ( you exchange some information) and cloed, no information is exchanged.

    You will be in control of the placement and will get to choose the famliy for your child.  An agency can also provide other services such as counceling to make sure that you are comfortable with your decision.  THere are alot of scams out there, and you really want to proceed with caution.

    Just as an FYI,  I have  open adoptions and speak on the phone with one of my birthmoms.

    Good luck,  you are really brave to consider adoption

    feel free to post if I  can help

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