
How can I find companies who will make donations to a non profit organization?

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I am collecting donations for a non profit organization. I need things like baby blankets, books, stuffed animals, toothbrushes etc.

Where can I find companies who are willing to donate those things?/




  1. start small. small businesses that are just kicking off are often looking for some one to give to that doesn't take an exact dollar donation (you know how those places do the whole 'gold rank', 'silver tank', ect. to show sponsors and they all are above and beyond these companies means). Most of these companies would be thrilled that someones not asking for there checkbook, but day to day supplies. In my opinion id rather donate stuff or money that I'm 100% sure is going to stuff that can be in good use!

    Best of Luck!

  2. I did exactly what you are trying to do as a summer intern at a charity last summer...I called, e-mailed, and wrote letters to all kinds of company's that I thought would be able to donate the things I needed....I got a big fat no from all of them...this is because most companys already have set charities that they donate to...your best bet is going to a mom and pop type shop and asking for a donation for your cause and then purchasing the things you need...well at least in my case that was the only kinds of companys that would donate to me.

  3. Just go to stores and start asking.  Ask for the manager.  90% of all companies will do it, but some of them need you to go through "corporate" (meaning their corporate headquarters, which means a lot of bureaucracy and wastage of time).

    I've gotten donations from just about every store you can think of.  You need to do it in person, and with a formal letter on non-profit letter-head.  If you come prepared with that, you'll usually walk out with a donation in one visit.

  4. Labor Unions donate money.

  5. what u can do is call local businesses and make appointments with the managers to sit and talk with them regarding making donations. put a good presentation together, because if u look sloppy, chances are they won't donate. I would go to large companies, such as big banks, large grocery stores, etc.

    good luck

    sometimes managers will say they won't have time to sit and talk, so it might be better to just walk in with ur presentation ready to go (meaning u have pamphlets or other info) and just ask to talk to the manager for a few minutes.

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