
How can I find help for my son that has a learning issue known as, "Auditory Processing Disorder?

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How can I find help for my son that has a learning issue known as, "Auditory Processing Disorder?




  1. Your main resource should be the school. If you are fortunate enough to have your child in the public school system in the US, you will be entitled to an IEP under IDEA, if the deficit is sufficient to meet local public school criteria for the IEP. This will open up all sorts of free, appropriate supports and accomodations for your son. APD is actually a form of Learning Disability. Alert the school, if they don't know of this, and get the ball rolling. God bless you and your child.

  2. 13 categories under IDEA (federal special education law) include:


    Deaf or Blindness

    Developmental Delays

    Emotional Disturbance

    Hearing Impairments

    Mental Retardation

    Multiple Disabilities

    Orthapedic Impairments

    Other Health Impairments

    Specific Learning Disabilities

    Speech and Language Impairments

    Traumatic Brain Injury

    Visual Impairments.

    APD is NOT the same as dyslexia- this word literally means 'difficulty reading'- and while it is complicated, APD is diagnosed in a very different manner, with different professionals and different tests.  Under LD, the eligibility areas include listening comprehension and oral expression.  These 2 categories are generally overlooked in favor of reading, math and written language disabilities.   An Other Health Impairment is also a possiblity.  I've also seen children qualify as with Language Impairment as a result of ths diagnosis.  If the child is generally performing well with accommodations, a Section 504 plan could be written, as well.

    Take any evaluation data you have that diagnoses Auditory Processing Disorder to your school and meet with the psychologist and speech therapist and teacher to see what needs your child has at school.

  3. Visit .  On this site you may find a provider of the Davis methods near you.  These methods are very successful for persons with this label.

  4. State differ on what 'catagories' they provide services under.  You would need to ask the school to do a full evaluation and be sure to provide the outside evaluation matierals - since there are some tests that can only be done at least a year apart it's important to know that information.

    At the conclusion they will determine if he would meet the entrance eligibility for services under a specific catagory which would include a determination of the educational impact of his disibility.

    In my state Auditory Processing is NOT a catagory.  It is a method or learning style and typically is included in other catagories like Specific Learning Disability, Autism or ADHD.

  5. Ypu need to ask the testers just how "involved" your son is.  Does he exhibit learning disability, too?    If so, get immediately in touch with your school system's special ed department and show them the tests.  

    LPD/APD is very difficult to remediate.   It's kind of something you have to learn how to work around.

  6. How was your son diagnosed with APD? If it wasn't done by an audiologist, it wasn't done. While some assessments can show a deficit in auditory abilities, only an audiologist can DIAGNOSE APD. If an audiologist did in fact diagnose your son, then he/she should be able to help you. If not, then you need to find another one.

  7. Quick, get him some prescription pills!

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