
How can I find hidden cams in the house? Read details!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my parents put up cams in the house and I know this cuz they told me they did they also said that they can watch what I do on there phone only my mom though.. What they didn't say is were they were and they did buy fire alarms and put them by 2 doors. I don't do anything bad unless singing in the mirror with a brush is? Any way I need ur help plz I'm growing and need my privacy how can I find them?plz help!!




  1. Wow why would they do that? Check those 2 new fire alarms. They probably not fire alarms at all. Can you go and stay with someone else like family or friends until they take them down or something? Thats really weird and perverted.

  2. Tell them that if they don't tell you, you're telling social services. This is a complete invasion of your privacy, and no one would condone it.

    Bother them about it. Don't talk to them about anything else. Don't talk to them about school. Tell them that the cameras are obviously all they need to spy on you, so you dont need to tell them anything else about your life from your own lips. Tell them that you'll only open up to them once the cameras are down, your privacy isn't invaded, and you can choose what details about your life you tell them.

    It's sick for them to do this. Trust me, they really shouldnt have done.

  3. If they are wireless with the right equipment you could probably track them down, but the equipment would be seriously expensive. If they are hard wired it's almost impossible to find them without actually finding the camera or the wires.

    You could always try to use your mum's phone to see the picture from the camera and hence work out where it is.

    To be honest they could just be saying that they have put them in to keep you on best behaviour, but either way I personally think it's seriously bad parenting verging on abuse.

    Everyone needs a bit of privacy.

  4. buy an RV reader / finder !!!

    its someat like that anyway !!!

    or maybe ask them where they are !!! thats totally f*cked up that btw

    infact its rather sick in the head lol !!!

    demand they tell u !!! ffs too right !!!

  5. you can to go and type in at search bar "Mini Bug Detector" but its about 90 buck so if you really want to find it then that can help. it can pinpoint transmitters which the cams your parents put in should have cuz like you said your mom can watch it on her fone so the bug must be wireless. and nvm ill just put in link.

  6. The cell phone watching is done on the computer set up by the company that you have the phone through, also she can get text messages on what your doing, but she can't get the words from your text messages at all. The cameras around the house where are they watching you in there bedroom? If so go to the TV and follow the wires back and they will lead them to you. If they are wireless the you need to poke your head in the basement or turn off all sounds and lights you should see a red light or here them. Only other way is get a metal detector or a magnet and run them by the smoke detectors or take them off.

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