
How can I find if someone has died in Germany?

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I haven't heard from my best friend in a while now and his phone has been disconnected. His family doesn't reply to my mail. He had some health problems. How would I check obituaries for Germany? (p.s. I do not speak German)




  1. Sorry to hear that. If you know the address than you can contact in that town the Einwohnermeldeamt.

    On the envelope just write it down


    and the zip code and city (just put some stamps in the mail, they can mail it to you the information's).

    Make some short letter:

    Put your name and address, than your friends full name and the last address you got it. Write in German:

    Ich versuche schon die ganze Zeit mein Freund ...... zu erreichen, leider vergeblich. Das ist die Adresse den ich habe. Bitte teilen Sie mir schriftlich seine neue Adresse mit.

    Herzlichen Dank.

    your name and signature

    I hope it works for you and good luck.

  2. If you know the city they last lived in you might be able to contact the city hall (Rathaus) in German. There they may have a list of recently and past deceased records.

    If it is fairly recent you could also try online German newspapers in their area  and check there too. IF you do not speak English and plan to write a letter or email to their city hall I suggest you have some one proffesionally translate it for you so their is no mistakes.

    Do they have friends that you are friends with too that could tell you or stop over there to find out? I had a similar problem with a former GF there, she changed her Handi (cell) number and moved to Hannover but has no house phone. I have her families address and email but I have the same problem you do almost, except they do reply and I know she is alive, they will respond but have not given me her new address or phone nor do i expect them too and I have not ask them, if she wants me to have it she will tell them to give it to me, trying to force yourself on to someone that has decided not to want you in their life is very hard to deal with but you have to and do it maturely at that.

    Yes it sucked my friend is non-contactable, but I at least know she is alive. I am sorry you cannot even find that out if they are alive. That would bother me too not knowing, so that is the only things I can think of to find out lest you actually go there yourself and physically look.

    DId you and your friend have a falling out or a problem or did you know they had health and one day may dissappear? If you have never physically met them it happens often, but if you have met personally then maybe something did happen? I hope not for your sake and wish you luck in your search.

  3. @Fliege: this what you suggested won't work. Firstly, the Einwohnermeldeamt is not allowed to tell people's names and addresses (exception: if you are the police or similar who's looking for a person). Secondly, foreign stamps are not valid in Germany. Doesn't matter where these stamps come from. You might use International Reply Coupons bought at the post office instead. They can be changed into stamps at any post office all over the world.

    The only thing you might do is writing a letter to his family in German (in case you did in English) asking politely to give you this information. Tell them where you know him from and for how long you are friends. Don't know if this works. Maybe your friend doesn't want any contacts to you.

    Suggestion what you can write in German to his family:

    Hallo Mr/Mrs ....,

    Mein Name ist  ..... (fill in your name) und ich bin ein guter Freund von .... (your friend's name). Ich kenne .... (your friend's name) seit langer Zeit und habe leider den Kontakt verloren. Unter seiner Telefonnummer .... (your friend's phone number) erfuhr ich, dass diese nicht mehr existiert.

    Ich waere Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie mir seine neue Adresse und Telefonnummer geben koennten, denn ich moechte wieder mit ihm in Kontakt treten.

    Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Hilfe.

    Mit freundlichen Gruessen

    .... (your name)

    Translation of this letter: Hello Mr/Mrs...., my name is  ....  and I'm a good friend of ....  I know ....  for a long time but unfortunately I lost contact. I found out that his phone number ... has been disconnected. I'd be very thankful if you gave me his new address and phone number because I want to get in contact with him again. Thank you very much for your help. Kind regards, ....

    In case you copy my suggestion please look at the correct spelling, starting some words in capital letters. This is unfortuantely German grammar! But it makes good impressions if you write it correctly.

    By the way, I have similar problems with a friend who lives in Australia. My advantage is that I speak English.

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