
How can I find my Russian birthmother?

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I was adopted from Russia 11 years ago




  1. I don't know how the laws from another nation work but I would think that you should start with your own adoptive parents and ask them if they know what her name was.  then you will need to find out what agency handled the adoption on the Russian side and the American side.  By doing some letter writing you ought to be able to find out a little more information. There are also web sites you can visit and post information that might be of assistance in finding out who your birth mother is.   I would also say that unless you are of age, (18) you might want to wait before looking.  There are a lot of problems that can arise from searching for a bio parent, and unless you have some maturity you will be in for a great disappointment.  Please remember you have wonderful parents who adopted you, and they are your true parents.


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