
How can I find my lost kitten?

by Guest57057  |  earlier

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he is 5 months old and havent seen him since Friday night. He hast had his nuts off yet but has been outisde plenty of times before....I dont know what to do :-(




  1. >> A Missing Pet - Online Lost and Found pets register, also includes ready made 'Lost Pet' and 'Found Pet' posters you can print off and use. Website:

    >> Animal Rescuers on-line Lost & Found register:

    >> Animal Search UK: Tel: 0788 43 169 43 (8am-10pm, daily), or Email. Web:

    >> AVID Pettrack - 24 hour lost & found helpline for microchipped pets only: 0800 652 9977

    >> Cat Chat Forum - Post details here under 'Lost & Found' »» the Cat Chat Forum

    >> Found and Lost Pets: Register lost & found pets UK, Europe and USA:

    >> 'Losers Weepers': A free site for all things lost & found, including pets:

    >> Lost Your Pet - Posting a 'pet found' notice is free, but there is a £5.00 life-membership fee for listing a lost pet:

    >> My Moggy: - Lost & Found cats across the UK -

    >> National Pet Register - lost & found register for all types of animals (UK) -

    >> NetmyPet - Lost pets, Found pets, plus a forum & more - free to register:

    >> Petlog: The largest pet reunification service in the UK - 0870 6066751

    >> Petsearch (UK) - A nationwide charity which operates a network of helplines and registers for lost and found cats across the U.K., helping owners become re-united with their lost pets. Visit their web site for details of helplines in all areas of the U.K., or for general enquiries: Tel: 01889 562907, Email: Website:

    >> Pet Smiles: Separate on-line registers for 'lost' and 'found':

    >> Siamese Cat Club Welfare Trust, Lost & Found Siamese: Web site:

    >> A general pet info site with a free-listings Lost & Found section: Lost & Found

  2. he may have about reached maturity, put posters up, look in neighbours sheds, keep calling him, ask at vets, when you find him get him nuetred  

  3. Put up lots of posters with his picture around your neighbourhood.  I would also contact any vets in your area, as they often have details of lost and found pets.  Contact your local radio station and see if they can mention the fact that he has gone missing.  See how much it would cost to put an ad in your local newspaper too.  Contact any local animal charities or rescue homes to see if he has been handed in.  

    Good luck, I hope you find him very soon.

  4. Posters with pictures on the posts, in windows and in the paper shop

  5. Lovely.  If he's 5 months old it's very likely he's already sexually matured so he's probably out impregnating females.  Or he'd dead from a bad fight with other males over females.  Or hit by a car, poisoned, shot at - all the other things that can happen to a cat allowed to free roam.  That would actually be better, though. If he dies it's just one cat.  If he's impregnating several females then you've just added several litters to the pet overpopulation problem and killed shelter cats since they'll take homes from them.

    WHY on earth did you allow a young cat to run around outdoors - especially one that wasn't neutered?  He could have been neutered when he was EIGHT WEEKS OLD so why didn't you get it done?

    Edit: yes - he's a cat.  A domestic pet.  He shouldn't be running free outdoors anymore than a dog, gerbil or pet bird should be.  Amazing how in over 20 years owning cats I manage to keep mine in.  Yours must have magical powers that prevent you from blocking his escape, eh?  You ARE irresponsible because this cat could have already impregnated other cats!

  6. put up fliers, look around the neighborhood, tell your neighbors to look too, and your friends.  put his favorite toy outside and his food too, he should get hungry eventually, just keep an eye on the food so if he comes you see him! and wait by the phone because someone should call if you put up fliers

  7. Don't worry, very often cats purposefully wander off on a hunt sometimes, it's just in their nature, they can find their way home so much better than dogs.  Instinct.  And maybe you're not looking hard enough.  The whole time he could be in a tiny nook or cranny, under something, inside something, etc...Don't panic yet.  Wait a couple more days and see if he turns up.  Then put out posters, fliers, ask people, etc...

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