
How can I find my sister whom I've never met before (she was adopted)?

by  |  earlier

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My mum was too young to keep her and has had a closed adoption. Is it still possible to find her????




  1. i would check with the agency. your mom may have given her a birth name in which she was registered with or she may know the name of the people who adopted her. You can always contact a talk show like maury and they will help you search if you make the effort to appear on their show and you appear on their show...i dunno if this is even a scam or not with a talk show but i would do anything for my siblings and not even being a world apart would separate me. i understand how hard it must be for you. Best wishes!

  2. myspace, so many people have found people buy that, and Facebook, teens are bound to using this!

  3. maybe you could try asking the agency that you mom put her in  

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