
How can I find my sons father

by Guest33759  |  earlier

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Since we ended our relationship I have tried to stay in contact with my sons father. He has since our split gotten himself into some bad habits and shows no signs of trying to be a part of my sons life. We were together for three years during which time he talked a lot about going into a branch of the service. I do not believe however that he ever actually would. Last time I filed for child support he was unable to served because I have no indication of where he would be living. Eventually the papers were served in care of his mother which lead me to finding the phone number of a gas station that he was working at. When I called the gas station one of his former co-workers told me he had left because he was enlisted into the marines. He has lied several time about where he lives and even about dates that he would be leaving for the service. How do I find him so he can be financially responsible for his son.




  1. child support.

    they will find him for you as long as he's in the country

  2. If he is in any branch of the services they will know call some recurters and ask them if they can get any info or call his mommie and ask her she may tell you  then again the courts may find him threw child support efforts, he should be responisable for his own child.

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