
How can I find out about a distant relative?

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I was really bored, so I decided I'd watch Camp Rock. My dad was watching it, and asked where the Jonas Brothers are from. In true JB Fan fashion, I answered with a quick New Jersey. My mom's mom was born in NJ. I looked it up, and I still have relatives in NJ, including Wyckoff, which is where the JB are from.

So I could very well be their fourth cousin.

My questions are:

1: How can I find out if I really am related to the JB?

2: If I am related to them as their 4th cousin, can I still marry Joe?




  1. Ok.. so you "have relatives" in this town.. and they come from there.  Kinda pushing things that you are claiming them as a "distant relative", because they come from that town?  

    The way it works is that you MUST have an ancestor in common, to be related.  If your aunt's mother in law has a adopted brother, whose step daughter knows their brother, it is not a relationship.  A 4th cousin has the same gr gr gr grandparents. The real thing is that many celebrities make sure their phone is unlisted, and protect their personal info, to avoid what might be a stalker.  Since YOU are Joe's unmet fiance... certainly no one can call you a stalker. *grin*

    Yes, 4th cousins can legally marry.  It does gross some people out, so if you don't want to scare Joe off, you might hold off on the research.

  2. First you have to research your family, then the Jonas family to see if you  have any common ancestors.

    Second, you have to wait for Joe to ask you to marry him.

    Both the research and waiting for a marriage proposal could take some time.

    Good luck.

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