
How can I find out how tolerant a college is online?

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Like is there a listing that shows how tolerant colleges are, ect?




  1. most schools are ..generally... tolerant based on sexual orientation

    like the other people said

    avoid overly religious schools

    or historically black schools

    basically avoid any schools that already have a label

    also try going to the school

    i went to visit ithaca college (upstate new york)

    and they are VERY tolerant

    and its the school i already wanted to go to i just hope they accept me

    anyways goodluck with ur search

  2. look up LGBT programs and resources for whichever college you are looking into. The fewer there are, the less tolerant they would be. Avoid private colleges, and stick with a state school, they are all liberal and open to anything.

  3. It generally depends on where it is.  I would look for any college on the West Coast and New England.  Try UC Berkeley (my school).  It has TONS of g*y people and it is EXTREMELY tolerant.  

    UCLA is also good.  Try for a school in major cities such as San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York (try NYU!!!), Boston, Washington DC, etc.  

    Hope I helped!   Sorry I don't know where a list like that would be... =(  

  4. In addition to what has already been said, more liberal or moderate schools tend to be g*y friendly as do large schools (because you can always find a support network or advocacy group). Also Northeast women's colleges tend to be fairly g*y friendly.

  5. colleges should be tolerant.. with anybody.. they should respect then religion or sexual orientantion.. to protect people from any discrimination..

  6. More information needed!  Are you looking for a good college that is L*****n-tolerant?  

    Hood College is such a school in surburban DC.

  7. I don't believe you'll find any listing of colleges like you're looking for.

    You should just use common sense. Obviously the far right wing, overly religious, schools won't be. Most schools in the New England area and on the west coast would more than likely be. Other than that, just look around on the web site and see if they have a g*y student organization or things of that sort.

  8. As long as you're not going to a religious college that has an obvious religious bias or one of those "historically black colleges", then there should be no issue of intolerance. State colleges and private non religious colleges don’t discriminate, but even the liberal religious colleges like Notre Dame don’t discriminate based on religion or sexuality. Now, a college like Bob Jones University (most conservative college in America) would, but most colleges aren’t like that. Most American colleges are very liberal, even the one’s in the south like UNC. I went to UNC in North Carolina and it was awesome, so awsome I even permanently moved to North Carolina.

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