
How can I find out if I have child support money coming to me?

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My bilogical father claims that he has been paying child support since I was 4 years old. Neither myself or my mother have seen a penny of this money. How can I find out if it is owed to me? Or sitting in a state account somewhere?




  1. A man who has not made child support payments may be so ashamed of his failure to be a real father that he might lie about making payments.  That is a possibility.

    Almost every jurisdiction has a court registry through which child support payments are made.  Check with your state's child support agency or with the clerk of family court in the county where you lived as a child.

    It is possible that, if your mother was receiving welfare and your father paid less than the amount paid to her by your state welfare agency, the child support was retained as reimbursement for the support provided by the state.

    If money is still owed, it might be owed to your mother, not to you, since she is the one who provided housing, food, clothing, etc., etc. to you while your father failed to provide support.  If you are not yet past the age in which a suit for necessities may be filed, your mother could sue for the support your father had failed to provide in previous years.

    The basic problem is that, if your mother had not seen any support from your father, why did she not act when you were 4 and continue to push for support during your whole childhood?

  2. First, it would not be owed to you, just your Mother. If Child Support was court ordered, the Child Support Bureau would have a record of any payments. Have your Mother call or visit and ask.

  3. he is lying.... DA

    He is a deabeat dad, who is now lying to you.

    Recognize him for the low life scum he is.

  4. Obviously he has lied or something. Find out who and where he has been paying it to. Then check into it. If your Mother had a court order for child support, he would have had to pay through the court and so just contact them and ask. If they say no then he's lieing. If he can't show you some proof then he's just trying to cover for himself. But it's not too late to get that money. He still owes it. Just have your Mom file for contempt of court. They will start garnishing his check right away. Good luck!

  5. I don't know where you live, but every state handles child support payments differently.   Was this child support ordered by the court? If so, then there should be some record somewhere of how much was paid and when.  If your mother hasn't been receiving it all these years, then she should have gone to the child support department & had them pursue him for it.  The fact that you are old enough to be writing about this issue on here tells me your mother hasn't been doing anything about it for years - I've got to wonder why.  The money is owed to your mother for raising you, not to you by the way.  If your father hasn't paid a dime then your mother has dropped the ball on enforcement or she's never gotten a court order for the child support in the first place.  It's up to your father to PROVE he's been paying it and to whom - it doesn't matter what he says.  Your mother needs to contact the local Child Support Services department and go from there if she wants to pursue it,but it sounds like she's just let it go for whatever reason.  

    EDIT:  I just read the post above mine, and I agree if Welfare is involved, then that could very well be the reason she hasn't seen any money herself - Welfare could be attaching the payments for reimbursement.

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