
How can I find out if someone still lives at the same address?

by  |  earlier

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I was looking through my late grandfathers papers and found a letter from someone who thinks shes related to us. It was mailed ten years ago. How can I find out if she still lives at the same address?




  1. Try Zabasearch or send her a letter and see if it is returned or not. You can ask the person receiving it to pass it on to her, if they know her new address.

  2. Try writing to her; she may still be there.  If she's moved recently, your letter will be forwarded to the new address.  If she moved a while ago, your letter will come back; the post office stops forwarding mail after a year or so, and letters are returned to sender.

    If your letter comes back, try writing to the address next door.  People often keep in touch with old neighbors, even if it's just to send a Christmas card each year.  So there's a good chance her neighbors may know her new address.  Just explain the situation: that your father had cooresponded with her about family history several years ago, and you'd like to get in touch with her; and if they know her new address, you'd appreciate it if they would give her YOUR address so she can contact you.  (They may give you her new address, but it's probably best not to ask for it - they may think you're a sneaky salesperson or bill collector).  Send along a self addressed stamped envelope so they can either reply to you (informing you that she's passed away, perhaps), or they can forward it on to her so she can send you a letter.

    Good luck!

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