
How can I find out if this kid is lying?

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My niece started dating a 19yr old in Feb. He first told her parents that he lost his license because of a DUI, he then told them he was lying and just couldn't pass the test. He said he tried taking it 8 times and couldn't pass it. We have a local gentleman who did a background check on this kid and said something is really bad on his driving record but can't tell us because of conf. laws.

This guy also hangs out with a kid who does atleast pot that we know of, maybe other drugs but not assuming.

All we want to find out is why this kid doesn't have his license. Are there free public records to show this? We want to trust the kid but he has lied to all of us and the parents to many times already. We are worried about our 16yr old niece who is dating him and already talking about moving away from home to b with him. Plz someone help. Where can I find some records? Thanks and god bless




  1. I can't tell you if there is a way you can get access to those records without his consent but I will say it sure sounds like he's lying.  My guess is after he said he had a DUI he got a negative reaction from her parents and changed his story.  

    Whether he's lying or not does it really matter in dealing with your niece?  If she's already threatening to run off with him I doubt knowing he has a DUI is going to change her mind, especially if she's going through the "bad boy" phase.  In fact I wouldn't be surprised if she already knows the truth about why he doesn't have a license.

    Put yourself in her shoes and think about how you would have felt when you were 16 and in that situation.  If she is like a lot of the girls of us I knew at that age then emotion trumping logic and you risk the possibility of driving her away if the family presses her too hard on it.

    Has anyone considered being overly friendly with the guy.  Invite him to family events, see if the daughter wants to go on a double date with her cool aunt, etc.

  2. Where is he from? Does he come from a neighborhood or have a family living somewhere? I would go to his neighborhood & be friendly. Just say that since they are so close you think the families should know each other. You have ever right to check into this. If he doesn't want you to meet his family then that is a bad sign. You can tell him you would not hold anything he family had done against him. So this way if he really is ashamed of them & wants a fresh start he has that chance. Just let them know it is the decent way to do things...Where did he go to school. The more people you know that know him the better. Don't believe what people say, you have to put it all together like a puzzel & find out who is a liar & if drugs are involved a person can be a great liar...Do everything you can it could very important. Don't worry about feelings this is your neices, life & hurt feelings will be healed but if she gets involved with drugs it could be impossible to fix.

  3. More bum answers. Do you know where he's from? Court records are open judicial records. Anyone can ask for them from the court clerk. Likewise records of who's been to jail and for what. How do you think the media gets mug shots?  The chances are he doesn't have a license because of his one or more DWI's, which would show on both his driving record and criminal history.

    You can also pay the small cost of to check criminal history, but check first to see if they have the criminal records from that state. Don't neglect a simple Google search on his name. A lot of small town papers are on line and cover small stuff like DWI's.

    If he's local, go to the jail and each court in the county and ask if he's been handled in that court. If you know where he's from, you can do the same thing by mail. If you have trouble with the jail records, ask to talk to the jail captain and explain the problem. It's public record, but sometimes the clerks make it harder than it's supposed to be.

  4. You can't!

  5. You could have his driving abstract but it will take some time and it does cost. In any event, if the lad has lied, that should be enough for concern anyway. You may find out worse things from his background which is nice to know but it may not stop your niece from seeing him.

    I would think you may be able to get a little information from a policeman you may know but I cant guarantee that. Smaller towns usually know everything about everyone. Your Secretary of State should be able to give you the driving abstract. You will need some information about him including his full name, date of birth, possibly social security number and possible a State ID card or old drivers license number.

  6. Unfortunatly no, his records are not for public view, unless he gives permission. The only thing I can say is to either 1 try to contact his parents or a relitive and tell them that your just wondering, and that you want your niece to be happy and safe. Or 2 tick him into giving your written permision. I know its wrong but if you think hes got something that bad on it.. I would do it for my family. Good luck!!!!

  7. You can't. But it sounds as if he has admitted to being a liar. Does one more lie really make a difference? Her parents would do well to discourage her involvement with this loser, and I would FORBID her from ever getting in a vehicle he may be driving.

  8. A 16 year old going out with a 19 year old is bad enough. On top of that he has some sort of criminal record and hangs out with shady people. This niece of yours sure can pick em.

    If she really thinks it's a good idea to move in with a guy like that, just let her go and find out for herself that this guy is a loser. There no other way for her to learn.

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