
How can I find out someones insurance info if I need to file a claim agains them?

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My neighbors dog attacked me while I was in their house with them. They are not exactly being cooperative with us. How can I obtain their insurance info, if they aren't willing to give it to us?




  1. Home insurance covers lots of different things. I don't understand all the fine print of my homeowners policy, but my home insurance agent is always a phone call away. Try visting your agent or a agent in your city. They should be able to help you.

  2. I'm not sure if you can.  I think it might be time to call the police and a lawyer.  Since they refuse to corporate I think you have the right to take legal action.

  3. Guess what?  You can't "file a claim" with someone else's insurer.  Only the policyholder can file a claim.  Your only option is to sue the neighbor;  then his insurer will defend him.

  4. You can't.  It's private information.  The homeowners carrier also most likely won't take a claim report directly from you, the non-policyholder, anyway.  I think you're asking, can you go look it up somewhere.  The answer is no.

    You're going to have to go ahead and sue them. Their insurance company will cancel them, and they'll have to get rid of the dog.  Which is probably a good thing, anyway.   Expect hard feelings.

    You can pretty much expect to have your medical bills covered.  Any pain and suffering will depend on how many stitches you got, where they are, and if there's going to be any permanent scarring.  

    If the dog didn't break the skin, you're not going to get anything.

  5. If you have your own renters or homeowner's insurance policy you can report the incident to them and they may pay you for you injuries and then research your neighbor to collect the money they have paid you.  

  6. I have met this kind of problem before,here is the resource I found useful.

  7. The police can provide that information. So can your attorney.

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