
How can I find out the meaning of dreams?

by Guest66932  |  earlier

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When I was young I constantly had dreams of all my teeth falling out. I would like to know if this had meaning. I had similar dreams 10+ times.




  1. I think you have asked this dream before. Have you seen my interpretations of it or you just didn't like the interpretations; because believe it or not, falling teeth in dreams mean few things only, and I don't think using dictionaries are the best way to go about it.

  2. usually losing hair or teeth in dreams can indicate that we regret something we have said or that we have talked too much. sometimes women have these dreams more then men becasue we tend to talk alot more :)  but this doesnt always mean that. but i would say that if you had dreams about your teeth falling out alot that maybe you should stop and think if you may be gossiping to much or saying bad things about some one or etc. you get the drift. not saying that you like to talk ****! lol but how old are u ? you said that when you were younger you use to have those dreams about your teeth, maybe when you were in your teen years you were in all the drama lol, what are the similar dreams that u had ten plus times??

  3. i have heard from sources other than from the link below that having that dream means you have a feeling of helplessness, powerlessness and/or insecurities about one or more things...maybe something major or something read this link and do a google search on "dreams about teeth falling out" there are a lot of results...oh ya...i have had this dream at least 5 times in my life too...i think it was at times when i was insecure in a relationship....with my X!!! lol

  4. I've heard before that it meant you were having financial troubles or were afraid of them. Someone I knew had this dream many times and agreed that she was having problems with finance and said that it made sense. I've heard it could mean many things other than that, but one thing I know is that it seems to be extraordinarily common as a repeating dream, although I've never had one myself.

  5. Did you have people you know die after those dreams.......cause in alot of cultures, the falling of teeth means death....u know, just like the owl........i hope its something else though, for ur sake

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