
How can I find out what color my aura is?

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How can I find out what color my aura is?




  1. Here's a link. I think your aura changes with your moods.

  2. Well, you can't. If you keep asking aura readers to detect your area, you'll probably get different colors each time. The reason why is because these aura readers can't actually see your aura at all, which probably doesn't even exist in the first place. Rather they are seeing visual illusion (brought on by the same staring technique that other known optical illusions also employ) and their own imagination to "see" the aura.

  3. Just send me $20, and I'll tell you its green.

    Oops, gave it away.


  4. There are aura photography places, for $30 you can get a picture of a blurry light around you, for a novelty.

    People's auras change all the time.  Some people have a steady color in their aura, like blue or yellow, but it's not just one color for them.  You could ask someone who sees auras what color the aura is.  Make sure you don't get swindled, told it's a muddy aura, and for money, they can do some hocus-pocus to make it all better though.

  5. Hold your hand against a piece of white paper. Stare at it for a few minuets keeping your eyes relaxed. You can blink. You will see the energy outline. Keep practicing, it takes a while before you will see the colors. -


    Another way... (not recommended) but this is how I first leaned. Close your eyes, and press on them GENTLEY with the palms of your hands. The darkness will turn into different specs of colors.... that it your aura colors.

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