
How can I find out what is in our tapwater?

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Who can tell me that? I live in Dallas , TX




  1. Call the water department in Dallas.  My brother-in-law used to work for them, and they're VERY particular about what's in the Dallas water supply!  

    Check out

    If that doesn't answer your questions, call their lab.  They're very nice people, and will be happy to answer your questions.  They can also test it if you are concerned about your home's supply.

    Water purification department:  214-670-0900

    Wastewater:  214-948-4578

  2. To find out the quality of municipal water ask the water company for a copy of their annual report on water quality which is several pages and is required to be published by the Environmental Protection Agency and made available to all users.  Your local library should have a copy of the latest report.

  3. Call your local water agency if you are on city water. If you are on a well you might have to test it yourself.

  4. Wet your plants, then wait a few days for the spilled water to evaporate... the white stuff should indicate what is in tap water. Don't drink tap water, drink beer or tea... they are both healthy

  5. Call the water company and ask for their latest Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). That will give you the allowable levels for dozens of substances and how well the water company has met the restrictions during the latest period of reporting.

    Keep in mind that the allowable levels for drinking water in the U.S. are the most stringent anywhere and are one or two orders of magnitude tighter than those of the World Health Organization. Don't get too upset that you are not drinking distilled water.

    At the same time, bear in mind that the CCR covers the output from the plant. There will be changes between there and your tap.. For one thing, the level of chlorine goes down en route.

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