
How can I find out what limited edition Tradition toy soldier sets are worth?

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I have 13 boxed special limited edition "Tradition Soldiers for Collectors" sets created by David Scheinmann, all with the same issue number. I am trying to find out what they are worth and where I would go to sell them. Regular "antique" stores don't seem to know much about them and there aren't alot of "toy soldier" stores around.




  1. You're going to have to find a market for the figures first before you try selling them.  When a retailer sells from a manufacturer, there is a fixed base price involved in the sale.  Just because it's marked "Collectible" or "Limited Edition" doesn't mean it will retain value or increase in the future.  That means even if they charged you a LOT of money that was no reason to buy them for an investment.  More often than not a lot of retailers will be selling them for the delight of collectors, not to see them resold from person to person.

    Second off, for something to be valuable, there has to be a rarity, meaning there are very few on the market.  If this item is STILL found in stores, and in secondary markets such as eBay, flea markets, toy shows and the like, then you're going to get what someone is willing to give you for the figures.

    To start with you need to read or research your collectibles, and figure out who's buying them and how quickly.  If you can, try the links below, and ask the company if there are any books about this subject and who's publishing them.  Since this is usually a item sold in the UK you may be hard-pressed to find a buyer here in the US or abroad.

    And don't forget on eBay there are usually a few other people selling them same thing.  Currently there are items in the same vein selling starting at $13 + shipping/handling .... and this is a small group of only 14 items listed so you're in a very small niche for collectors.  You're gonna have to make some compromises if you're wanting to sell them at all.

    I have written about this topic before of toy value so see my profile & previous postings.  You can tell which ones they are by the "I am looking for the value" posting by other Questioners here at Yahoo.

    Sorry if I couldn't give you a more definate answer.



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