
How can I find out what time I was born in the United Kingdom? I have contacted the hospital to no avail.?

by Guest65684  |  earlier

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How can I find out what time I was born in the United Kingdom? I have contacted the hospital to no avail.?




  1. I guess it is simply by jurisdiction... I don't think really old certificates in the US would have that.  Mine is 1949 (ok, so I admit it) and from CA.. and has the time.  Anyone who is bored today, we might have people pulling theirs out, just to compare.

  2. Unless you were one of a multiple birth, it won't have been recorded.

    In the case of twins, for example, the time of births are entered on the birth certificates.

    Can you not ask your mother?

  3. UK answer.

    The only really reliable source of information of this sort would have to be your mum and dad, this is the kind of information mum's at least don't ever forget.

    There is no other way of finding out unless you can get hold of a copy of your mums co-op card given to every pregnant lady at the start of the pregnancy and held by your mum right up until completion at the birth.

    The only time when the actual time of birth was given was in the case of multiple births , twins etc, then they would note baby 1, and the time and so on for how ever many babies were delivered to the one mum. Sorry there really is no other way of finding this information.

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