
How can I find someone i saw a year ago in Paris?

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Last summer I went to Paris and I saw a very attractive guy...I felt a connection with him even though we couldn't communicate. We looked at each other and it was just there....dont know how to explain further...he works at the eiffel i up in the clouds or do you think theres actually a way to contact him (besides flying over there)




  1. Yeah whatever.

  2. He works there?  Hmmm, sounds like a great future, with a ticket taker or janitor at the Eiffel Tower who makes eyes at the the pretty tourist girls.

    Sweetie, I am sorry to tell you, but this kind of eye contact swoon is what brought Adam and Eve together.  Let it go and find someone in your daily life.  Honest!

    Next time you are going to Paris anyway, go to the Eiffel Tower and see if he is there again.  Then just quietly observe him for a while without making any eye contact or letting him see you at all, and see what happens.  Then walk by and bat your baby blues at him and see what happens.  I think that would be fair.  And brush up your French in the meantime, I suppose.

    All that said, I believe in love, but not lightning strikes that would cause you to upend your whole life.

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