
How can I find someone to go on holiday with me?

by  |  earlier

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I really wan't to go on holiday (clubby / 18-30 type holiday) but need to find someone to go with, my girl mates would prob be up for it, but knowing them it would never get off the ground, plus they have boyfriends which would make it more difficult. Is there any way I could find someone else to go with?

All suggestions welcome (but not stupid ones!) thanx




  1. I'll come, if you're fit and paying :-)

    Nah....Seriously, I'm in the same boat, all my mates are either a)On the dole and therefore can't afford it

    b)in a "serious" relationship or....Under the thumb, as I like to call it


    C)Boring unimaginative b'stards who don't seem to realise there is a whole world outside of our crappy little town!

    I hate the idea of another boring summer just working and going to the same old p!ss stained clubs in town...

    I think you need to find new mates, a week or even a weekend of hedonism is best enjoyed with people you know well already, though I did once go to the slammin vinyl sanctuary dance music festival alone because I split up with my girlfriend at the time....I had an awsome time, camped all week, met a gorgeous lass too!

    Maybe you could try the message boards?

  2. Join Freinds reunited. Or it could be my space.

    And look to see if anyone is on it from when you was at school.

    You just do a search on your school at a set time.

  3. go on your own, most 18-30s places have organised activities otherwise google friend holiday or traveling companion there is a website that sets people up to travel together when they are alone.

  4. I would love to go with you. Seriously, i need to have a break from work and am well overdue for a holiday. What do you say? :)

  5. If you're paying, I'll happily come along with you!

  6. try, its generally designed for arranging people to travelling together but people do advertise for short/standard holidays too.

    i am going away with someone i met on there.

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