
How can I find the address of a specific property in Corsica which I can identify on an aerial map?

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Specifically, I'm trying to track down the owner of a property in Campomoro, Corsica, France. It's a rental property, I had the contact details of the owner and have now lost them. No luck with the tourist office and now at a loss as to what else to try.




  1. Try They have residential listings by area. Otherwise, I know some great places in Calvi!

  2. If you have either Google Earth (fairly useless for rural France, but with exceptions) then click on the 'roads' box in the little side menu.....

    If you have, then alternate between road maps & aerial view.

    This way, you can find the road name and in some cases, the number.

    With this information, you can enquire at the Mairie (town hall) of the town or village in question and they will tell you the name of the person who owns the house.

    As long as you can speak French (i could translate what you need to say if necessary, just let me know) it is straightforward.

    You could also try , which, although it is the yellow pages, has a link to the 'pages blanches' or white pages, i.e. domestic addresses, which could provide a link.

    If you have any further questions regarding this, please feel free to ask. Best of luck in the meantime.

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