
How can I find the birthdates of my parents?

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Both of my parents are dead.They were born in England around about 1913 to 1920(I'm 50)

Its not marked on my birth certificate(I have a copy of the original)

I live in France and I'd like to know how I can find out by using the Internet)

Thanks for the answers, even the dumb ones!




  1. UK answer.

    If you would like me to search they will be registered on there. The records are from  1st July 1837 - 31st December 2005. I am quite happy to do the search for you. I would need their names and place of birth and a rough idea as to when they were born, and obviously your mums maiden name. If you would prefer to email me you can contact me through my  yahoo profile, or as they have passed away you can edit your question and include the information.

    Hope this  helps.

    JH, kisser had already made the point that his parents dates of birth weren't on  his birth certificate, the more active researchers on this forum didn't need you to point that out. I think your comment about the question not being read by the people who answered was out of order. I noticed that you are very new to yahoo answers, this being the first question you answered.  The advice you gave re: was in my opinion incorrect. Kisser could buy a voucher to do a search on The BMD records on the UK site are far superior to any on the  USA site, but that's just my opinion.

    I hope I haven't offended you, that was not my intention I just merely wanted to point out that we try to be nice to each other on the genealogy forum and we try to help where we are able too.

  2. I'm assuming that they are not around to ask - that would just be too obvious.

    That info might be on your own birth certificate.  Sometimes you can get that through public records


  4. I'm sorry you simply have not given enough information.

    As you are in the UK, your birth certificate will not give your parents dates of birth or ages. If they were married, their marriage certificate might give their ages, but it might just say 'of age'.

    Is there nobody else you can ask ? grandparents, uncles or aunts or even friends of the family ?

    You might just be lucky to find them on this site, it's free but peters out after about 1910 +

    (It is not complete)

    If you would like to email me the details that you do have,off list, I can look for them for you, on the subscription site that I use, (their B.M.D.records are complete from 1837- 2006)

  5. first you should ask. if you are unable to do so, find another family member that can give you more detail about them. I personally use to find my ancestors.

  6. Look on your birth certificate.

  7. Look where they kept ( I assume they are no longer here to ask) their important papers.  Check the hospital, churches, and town hall where they were born. Ask relatives. Maybe someone created a family tree.  Check their old drivers licenses. sometimes it may be on their death certificates.

  8. either ask  them if they are still alive, if not then their birth dates will be on your birth certificate


  9. Begin by asking your relatives.  If they do not know, then perhaps you can find out from a genealogy website such as  Also, if you know where they were born, you can look through county records.

  10. Do you know when they died?  A death certificate may at least tell you where they were born narrowing the search.  Also, any idea about when and where they were married?  A marriage license may also tell you where they were born.

  11. First, if you want to avoid answers like "ask them", you should explain why you can't just ask them. Some people who answer here can't make that little leap in logic. Obviously, if they are across the table from you every night, you can ask. So; you are estranged or they have died or they don't want to tell you, for some reason.

    Second, unless you put it in your question, we can't tell what country you are in. It is the most frustrating thing Yahoo does. It doesn't matter if you go into domestic Yahoo or one of the International Yahoos - UK, Australia, Canada, India . . . - all of the questions in English go into one big "pot". I'm in California, for instance.

    Your birth certificate will probably just say your father was "John Smith, age 22, native of Idaho". That gives you a year (or a range of years; if he was "almost" 22 he may have fudged. If he was really 16, he may have lied and said he was 18. The nurse who fills out the birth certificate at the hospital trusts people.)

    If you are in the USA, they have died and if they are on it, this web site will give their birth dates:

    You may have to use "Advanced" to narrow down the possibilities.

    Your mother will be there under her married name, not her maiden name. If she divorced John Smith and married Ebeneezer McCorkle, she will be there as McCorkle, not Smith.

  12. It is quite obvious that many people do not read the question !

    Dates of birth of parents are NOT shown on English Birth Certificates.

    The easiest way on-line is to subscribe to for one month and search the BMD link. You can try before that the freebmd  but the records are incomplete in the period you are searching. Therefore you need to go into complete BMD and search year by year. If you are not sure of their approximate birth dates then search for their marriage date ... start from your birthday and work backwards year by year ... quarter by quarter. When you locate it, obtain the marriage certificate from the GRO...can be done on-line and this will state their ages when married. Then go back to and search those years in the complete BMD ....easy !

  13. Ask them?? Or if they're not around, ask friends that might have known. Grandparents.... sisters, brothers, whatever.... you should be able to do that somehow.

  14. i'm guessing the easiest way is to ask them, or ask a relative

  15. Work it out from how old they are.count backwards other than that if u have grand parents as them :)

  16. ask them

  17. look at drivers license

  18. use   with their surnames, a rough idea of where they were born (even just the county) and approximate year.  You can get a free trial, which means you can have a really good attempt to track them down by trial and error.

    I did this, and found birth dates of both my parents and then, once hooked, went back several more generations.  Much easier, of course, with my father ... since women lose their names on marriage.

    good luck!!

  19. on your birth cirtificate

  20. look at your birth cert itll have their birth dates on it

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