
How can I find the right investor for opening a Gourmet food market in Brooklyn, N.Y.?

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I have tremendous on hand experience in operating and Managing gourmet food stores in N.Y.




  1. Go to they have investors. Private investors,angel investors,venture capital groups, and many other means of finding an investor!If you are not familiar with raising capital from private sector please visit and study the information at thank you

  2. A venture capitalist will invest with you but will demand 51% of the business.  Local banks will have names of local private investors, too.  You have to ask everyone you see. My neighbor loans his life savings to young people who buy cars.  His bank account pays him 1% .  The car loans pay him 7%.  

    You can also go to (not my website) to apply for a loan.  One person can loan you $100,000 or   1,000 people can loan you $100.  .

  3. Maybe you could approach successful restaurant owners in your area. They may help you in exchange for getting quality ingredients for their restaurants.

    Or try owners of other gourmet markets outside your area. Approach it as a partnership, and tell them how your expertice in your locale and previous management skills can make their investment money grow.

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