
How can I find ways to make flyers and advertise. My singing and or bellydancing?

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I am a singer and bellydancer and I heard that I should make flyers and adverstise but does anyone have any idea how to start making/and or adverstising ( so i could be on my way to getting gigs and performing) all advice is grealty appreciate it.




  1. is the lowest-cost way to print, as far as I know.   Their business cards are very cheap and can be a low-cost way to get your name out there, especially if you are doing the rounds of function centers, restaurants etc. in person - talk to the manager and hand over a glossy colourful business card, what more do you need?

    You can print on your own computer and printer, but bear in mind the cost of the toner - you may find it's just as expensive to do it that way!   Don't make the mistake of printing black and white on poor quality paper - that screams "amateur" (unless you're going to do a very cool retro look, in which case you can get away with B&W - but not flimsy paper!).

  2. The computer and a printer work wonders for flyers, have cards made and leave them at respectable places.  One way crazy old fashioned idea is THE NEWSPAPER.

    Depending on your area, you might get a gig dancing at a club or laid back middle eastern restraunt.

    I'd pay to see you and I don't even know you.

  3. Here's a quick and easy website I use to make flyers with

  4. can you please join my singing contest, i have wonderful prizes too, and you can join until August 4, here are the link's

    Rules Video:

    Round 1 video:

    Prizes video:

    And please tell your friends about it too, b'cuz i want to get the most people i can get, and please comment, rate, and subscribe

    Thanks, if you join

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