
How can I find what date a PC was joined to a Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain?

by  |  earlier

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I have a client who has joined a PC to their domain themselves while I was on vacation. They pay for support on a Per PC basis, based on how many are registered in AD. I need to know the date this PC was joined so I can charge them on a prorata basis. Asking them will result in "Yesterday" and unfortunately the machine has been switched on as a workgroup machine since 14th May so I can't take it as the start date in the event log of that machine. If it's in the Server Event log, which one, and what is the event number I should look out for?




  1. I use Hyena to look at the properties of the object in AD, it shows when the object was created in AD.  I'm not sure if there is a native MS tool to do this.

    Good Luck,

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