
How can I find which style of martial arts is right for me?

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I have tried to find a comprehensive list comparing them but to no avail. I am looking for more strength building, to learn fearlessness and to also incorporate relieving stress/anger in a healthy environment. If you have any comparisonwebsites, ideas or personal opinions on a specific art it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.




  1. This is what I've learned over the years, I hope it helps. These are my opinions though. I'm not sure how much you know about different styles but here are some that I have mastered...

    Judo is more or less wrestling. Its great for close and ground combat. It does not require the strength of other styles.

    Tun Sun Sin Bow is a form of Kung Fu. This particular style is revolved around distance defense. And should never be used to attack. Alot of kicks, punches, and blocks.

    Capwela(never known how to actually spell that) is more of a show and in my opinion has no fighting value but its fun. This is a style that requires a tremendous amount of strength and balance.

    Boxing/kick boxing, compared to the others that I have done, is very basic. I recommend American kick boxing if you like your knees.

    Tae Kwon Do is more cardio in comparison, like Kung Fu but not as extensive.

    I hope this helps. You can also go to and see what they all look like if you don't have the time to visit all the gyms in your area. Also, check out team Ryouko while you're there.

  2. I think this is one of those try before you buy things.  I have been a Krav Maga instructor for a long time, and the best advice I can have for you is to try a few arts.

    I teach Krav Maga, I am a Combat SAMBO student and a Tai Chi student, I find joy in all of them.  Some people take MMA, they get physicality.  Krav Maga is very physical, if all my students aren't sweating and slightly sore, I feel as if I have failed to run a good class.  Combat SAMBO is another one where some physicality comes into place.

    MMA schools give a variety, try one. Since you really haven't made up your mind, try many things.  Honestly after all these years, I see the arts all blending in together, the locks in learn in Combat SAMBO are useful Chin Na for Tai Chi, the conditioning and striking I get from Krav Maga helps me with finishing moves in Combat SAMBO.

    There are only so many ways a body bends and breaks, and so much of success is in your mind, find something that suits you, check out lots of schools.

  3. Find a school that teaches multiple disciplines.  There are  lots of "MMA" schools where you can study boxing, grappling, muay thai, etc. under one roof. .  

    I like this kind of mixed training because your workout can always feel fresh and challenging, but also you can do what you feel you need on any given day. Some days you may feel like punching - go to the boxing class or Muay Thai - some days you may want to wrestle/grapple - go to jiu jitsu.  

    All of them will help with your confidence and stress relief.  Grappling classes will help with core strength in particular.

    It sounds like you have broad interests, so a versatile school seems to fit!

  4. try them out. it's got to be local, or your will have too many times when you'll decide it's too far. It's got to be affordable, or you'll stop as soon as you check your bank balance. and the instructor has to be reliable.

    How would I know? I teach taekwondo, sadly, 2 states away from you.

    I happen to know one instructor not too far from you, but she's in Homewood.

    Let me know what you find.

  5. The odds of you finding what is best for you on a web site is somewhere between slim and none. The best way to find out is to get out there and visit some schools. See what they have to offer. Then takes some  trial classes and discover which ones you would like to be a part of and make a commitment to learning.

    Martial arts does not teach you fearlessness. Fear is a great motivator. However through learning martial arts you may learn to overcome some of your fears.

    All martial arts should help with relieving stress/anger. You will find that you will build strength and flexibility in most martial arts classes. It helps to improve your overall health, mentally and physically.

    You may get several answers on here that is based upon someones else opinion and not fact. Truth is most of on here believe our style is the best to learn. This may be true for us, but it is not true for everyone. You will be better off and more satisfied if you experiment and find what is best for you.

    Good Luck

  6. it sounds like u want two opposite ends of the spectrum: peace and power. try taking kung fu/ tai kwan do and tai chi at the same time and try to mesh them together.

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