
How can I find work in London while in the U.S.?

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I just graduated from college with my B.A. in business with an accounting empahsis and am looking to move to London for a year. I am leaving the first week in October. I know that it is extremely expensive and that is why I want to work there. I am having trouble trying to figure out how to find a job and a place to live while I am currently living in the U.S. Any help/information on how to get started would be amazing.




  1. Job websites-

    Place to live websites-

  2. go 2 and its done

  3. You most definitely need to have a job lined up before you get here if you are intending to work whilst you are here, and the company that will be employing you will have to arrange your work permit...there is no other way for you to obtain one.

    If you arrive here without a work permit you will not be allowed to take employment, and if you cannot satisfy immigration that you have enough money to support yourself whilst you are here, you will be denied entry to the country.

    Hopefully you may be able to find something of interest at one of these Google links....

    Having said that, it may be worth your while to have a search around this Government site which sets out the criteria for working in the UK, to see if there is any other way that you would be able to work here without having to arrange a job before you arrive....


  5. You would have to first find out if you are legally entitled to work in the UK.  If you do not have a work permit you will not be able to.  Usually if you have family already living here or are filling a job that can't be filled by a local person or vital profession such as teacher, doctor etc.  In the same way that not just anybody can come to America and work without a green card, it works the same here.  Your best bet at a working visa would be to get a student visa and attend college in the UK for a few hours a week.  You should contact the British Embassy where you live for more information.

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