
How can I fit in socially if I'm not a quick witted person (e.g. last to get a joke)?

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How can I fit in socially if I'm not a quick witted person (e.g. last to get a joke)?




  1. smile....and don't try to add anything witty, it'll kill the conversation and create one of the awkward moments we everyone just goes....."yeaaaahhhh"

  2. Laugh like everyone else does. Or just admit that you don't don't find a joke all that funny.

  3. Listen to comedians or funny radio shows.  Exercise your sense of humor and it will get more muscles.  

    Or you could spend some time looking up or thinking up jokes about how you're always the last to get the joke.  Self-deprecating humor can be quite effective on occasion.  Just don't use it too much, it can make it seem like you're fishing for complements.

    Or hang out with people more on your own level.  

    Good Luck!

  4. You can't....but you could emphasize your dullard side by maintaining a bewildered look on your face

  5. happends to me almost daily!

    i fake it! LOL

    and some times i just sit there with a stare and they repeat it and i just look at them.. and tell them that i don't get it!  move on already!

    don't try to fit in just be you!  if others don't accept them then get some true friends or be just as fake as them!

  6. Watch funny movies, watch comedians, when you're around these people just listen, observe, and eventually you will catch on. I used to never get jokes, but now, beacause I have a lot of funny friends, I have developed my own sense of humor and people tell me I'm the funny one. Also, like someone said before me, don't take everything so seriously. I used to, and now I see the funny side of everything. For now just stay quiet and laugh. Being quiet will make you seem mysterious.

  7. Move to the deep South.

  8. Just learn to relax a little, don't try too hard to fit in because that'll just push yourself out even more.

    If you're with a bunch of friends and you don't get a joke, you could openly say that you don't get it and joke about how you don't get it. They probably will appreciate your honesty and laugh about it themselves, and see you can laugh at yourself. Although if you're with some people who you don't know that well, I wouldn't try that until you get to know them a little more, since you may just seem a little dim if they don't know you.

    Luckily, wit is something you can learn and pick up, it just takes a bit of time. I started to watch a lot of stand up and comic shows (watch British comedians, they tend to be wittier, but there are still some great American comedians out there). You may not notice it but you'll pick up some of the things they say and some of the points they give out, and then it'll just come to you when you're talking to your friends.

    Just don't try too hard, there's a fine line between funny/cool and just plain weird/over the top. And certain people can get away with certain things, depending on what they're like and how they put across a point. You'll get it sooner or later though :)

  9. How do you get to Carnegie Hall?  Practice, practice, practice.    Visit Joke sites online and study them.  Stop taking everything so seriously.  Listen.

    And when you tell a joke, smile so they know that you are joking.  And don't be mortified if your jokes sometimes fall flat, even great comedians die from time to time.  There are even jokes you can tell when your jokes fall flat:  "What?  I didn't realize this was a funeral."

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