
How can I fix a bike so it has less tension when you peddle so you don't use up so much body energy?

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The bike I have is a hyper mountain bike just got it brand new but it takes alot of energy to peddle and I have asthma so it dosent help. It makes a ride around the block seem like heavy training.




  1. The cheapest way to help your situation is install the lightest tires and tubes that will fit your rims.  You can purchase a light weight wheel set for your mountain bike.  

    It takes less energy to rotate light tires, tubes, and rims that a heavy wheel set.

    Are you riding in a low enough gear?  Learn to ride in a low gear and spin the pedals.  It takes some training to be able to spin the pedals around 90 rpms.  That is also called pedal cadence.  A higher pedal cadence is easier on your muscles, thus requiring less energy, thus reducing the burden on your lungs.

  2. Its already tough riding a mountain bike on the road. They aren't built for roads and are really heavy compared to road bikes. I would suggest in saving for a good road bike, it equals a lot less energy, getting places a lot quicker, and a lot more comfortable for the road.

  3. It may be your bike, but its more likely the motor.  Put in the miles, and it will get easier over time.    

    As noted by others, make sure you're in the right gear.   If its too hard to pedal, downshift.    You should be using a gear that lets you pedal comfortable at 80-90 rpm minimum.  That's where you develop maximum horsepower.

  4. You don't fix it, you change to an easier gear. That's what they are there for.

  5. Your bike might not have been assembled correctly.  Make sure the wheels spin freely and the shifters and derailleurs are properly adjusted.

    Since I don't recognize your bike brand, I am going to assume it is one of the heavy big-box store bikes.  Not much you can do about riding a heavy bike, other than saving for a lighter one.  Even with a heavy bike though, you should be able to find a suitable gear to allow for smooth pedaling.

    If you are saying you can't keep up with your buddies, keep at it.  You will get faster with more time riding.

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