
How can I fix an extreme lower back pain?

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I am 25 years old and I think I hyper extended my back playing football. The pain is so severe that it hurts to walk, to bend down, I'm having a hard to opening doors, getting in and out of my car, even putting on clothes. Can anyone help? I've been taking Icy Hot and putting a cold pack on it.




  1. This is the kind of thing you need to do a bit of research on to see what types of condition you might have and the best way to treat it - we aren't doctors and can't tell you what will work best.

    Hope that gets you started!

  2. First of all friend I can relate,I have been going through it for 5 years on Workman's Comp....There are many solutions to your issue..Re-hab/therapy, there are several different "cocktails" of medicines that doctors can prescribe-Mainly is consult a doctor and becompletelyy accurate with yourdescriptionn of your accident and pain so they canaccuratelyy treat you. Becare fulll andmind fulll of how you move and act until you can get medical attention and advise. I know itspain fulll,frustrating so I hope mentally you can hang in there till you find the solution that works for you

  3. I would encourage you to see a doctor or physiotherapist to get an evaluation and then seek appropriate treatment.  

    First step will be to conduct some tests, possibly including an xray, mri, etc., but then also taking you through some range of motion tests and asking you about your pain and how the injury occured. This will help them isolate what structures are involved.  It might just be muscle pain, but it could also be nerve compression or spinal joint irritation.  When you mentioned that you feel pain when walking and bending over and opening doors, this suggests to me that you might have irritated a nerve where it comes out of the spinal cord and it's sending pain messages through your back and down your leg.  Icy Hot and cold packs won't do a thing for you if that's the problem!

    Depending on where you are, a chiropractor or a massage therapist could also conduct some tests for you.

    After the cause of the pain has been determined, I would definitely visit a physiotherapist, a massage therapist and/or a chiropractor, depending of the cause and what treatments they think will help you.  

    You don't want to ignore back pain because it can be a lot more serious that just a muscle irritation.  

    Good luck!  Feel better soon.

  4. Have you thought about wearing a SACROILIAC BELT  (aka SI Belt or Trochanter Belt ) around your pelvis? What it does is that by providing the correct balance of resistance and resilience, the SI belt re-establishes the joint’s normal motion,  thus relieves stress and instability at these weight bearing structures. The price of SI belts are in reasonable range these days, average cost is about $40 USD. I know a lot of people who wear SI belts, and I've read some astonishing testimonials about it. There are many  si belts out there, but Serola SI Belt seems to be the best one as far as quality, comfort, and price are considered. Check out their website for more:

    I think you buy directly from their website at:

    Hope it helps, good luck to you!

  5. Try an Chiropractor that might help alot!

  6. I have the same problem...only for different reasons. However, I usually take Tylenol and then put a heat pack on. Also, if you can get one of those massaging chairs or something that works pretty well too. I would say go to the doctor though. I've had severe back problems like that for almost 6 years now. Trust me...go to the doctor. Hope you feel better!

  7. get to your doctor to rule out a serious injury.  you will need an xray and possibly an MRI.  get a massage, soak in a hot tub, swim, do yoga, go to the chiropractor, and take advil/alleve.

  8. just have them prescribe you vicodin 7.5 or 10 mg, and methocarbonal 500 mg..that should work for the pain until you is really all you can do, and also alternating heat and ice hour on hour off...chiropractor cant really do much except massage..that feels good tooo.  

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